5 Basic Tips When You Design Sticker

1. Style and reference Sticker in addition to being a common drawing is always important to design a sticker that is useful and simple and does not overload. 2. Simplify the design Have your references clear and with them choose simple lines such as triangles, squares, and circles. This will help you start creating something … Continue reading “5 Basic Tips When You Design Sticker”

Ways To Reduce Advertising Costs For Your Business

Social Media Advertising Making a page for your business can mean the world, especially if you pay just that little bit more for that social media of choice to boost your advertising and viewership. It’ll help reduce the cost of business promoting while getting all the clicks and views. You can customize your message and … Continue reading “Ways To Reduce Advertising Costs For Your Business”

3 Reason Tells Why Business Cards Are Still Valuable

With that said, below are reasons why business cards are still important. 1. EASE OF SHARING CONTACT DETAILS Business cards continue to circulate because of their ease deliverance of contact information. A business’s contact details are pivotal to customers. The card carries personal contact information such as phone numbers, email addresses, etc. Its small size … Continue reading “3 Reason Tells Why Business Cards Are Still Valuable”

5 Tips How Business Cards Should Be

If you just decide to design your first business card or re-design one for some reason, most of us would like to see what others that have the same situation have said about the design things. What the right business card should have? Of course, there should have your brief personal info, but the outlook … Continue reading “5 Tips How Business Cards Should Be”

How To Make Effective Posters And Slogans For Your Business

Make It Short, Easy, Catchy A lot of multi-million dollar companies built their brand’s persona from the ground up using a slogan that’s short and to the point but communicates their brand’s values and mission. Some examples are “Just do it”, “I’m lovin’ it” or “Challenge everything”. You might have even recognized these brands just … Continue reading “How To Make Effective Posters And Slogans For Your Business”

4 Reasons Why Packaging Is Important For Business

If you’re of this perception as a business owner, you might be setting the stage for failure. Product packaging plays a crucial role in influencing consumer choices than you might think. It describes more information about the product such as usage, benefits to the consumers, manufacturer, how it should be kept, and so on. Packaging … Continue reading “4 Reasons Why Packaging Is Important For Business”

How To Create The Perfect Packaging For Your Product

Keep It Unique If you look to different successful brands, they’re able to set themselves apart by using logos and font styles that no other brand can replicate. Your logo has to embody your brand’s purpose and matches its mission. Using clear fonts that cannot be mistaken for other shapes or letters will protect you … Continue reading “How To Create The Perfect Packaging For Your Product”